Friday, January 16, 2009

Working 9 to 5...and then some

...or really more like 9:30- 6:30, but that doesn't flow as well.

I wanted to make a post about the awesomeness that is Fallout 3 and how I have found a new love of shooting mutants in the face (or blowing them up with a grenade), but as always happens in my life, I have once again become too busy to play this wonderful game and have not even made it halfway through yet.

So what have I been doing? Getting used to working 40 + hour weeks again along with trying to get back into a workout routine, and directing The Tempest for The Baron's Men (my Shakespeare troupe).

My last 7 days looked somewhat like this Work, workout, Tempest organizational stuff & meetings, pass out in mental and physical exhaustion, rinse and repeat.

Somewhere in there I have also been trying to give needed attention to my new relationship, luckily Charles is a very patient person. And still get to see my dogs occasionally, which has not happened since New Years. And of course the other things I have been putting off like finishing the last Roman shade for the living room for my ex-husband (an agreement I made during the divorce and a project I would like to finish) finishing a jacket I was going to have done in October for myself, and new costume items I would like to make.

And of course it is now looking like I may be working late tonight and or into the weekend which I already have scheduled for a D&D game, dog time and my first play rehearsal.

*Le sigh* of these days maybe I will learn to stop trying to shove so much living into one lifetime OR my body will just get used to this level of mental and physical activity and just require less sleep so I can get more done in a day! I vote for option #2

Till later

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