So the 18th century dress is on somewhat of a hold as I try and complete my entry for the Vintage vogue competition which has a deadline of the 18th of August (right in the middle of me moving back to the States).
I am combining 2 different vintage patterns (see earlier post for pics) so I did a mockup in muslin to make sure it would work right. Luckily I have a new dress dummy who works very well for this, but as I discovered today, I need to mark her centerline. I fitted the pattern which was too lose and the waist too long originally, but when I tried it on myself I could tell I moved the centerline when I was pining.
So now I dont trust the new pattern enough to go to the wool yet. I have used greaseproof paper to make new pattern pieces and I will do another muslin mockup to hopefully get it right this time, as there are some tricky pieces in this bodice since the sleeves are part of the front dress piece.
I should upload pictures soon so you can see what I am talking about.
As for the embroidery for the 18th century, that is coming along, I almost have my first basket done :) I expect this project will take a while and not sure it is will be completable for the Double Period Project submission in February, but I'll keep going and we'll see how far I get.